Psychic development 6 week course

Psychic development 6 week course



Masterclass with Taryn Vislev

Awaken your inner magic and elevate your intuition to celestial heights.

Week I: Understanding Spiritual Laws, Spirit Guides; Signs from Spirit, Connecting to Your Intuition, Meeting Your Spirit Guide Through Meditation.

Week 2: Understanding Dream Messages, Astral Dreaming, and Learning Psychic Awareness.

Week 3: Reading Crystals, Using Energy in Everyday Life, How to Do Flower Readings.

Week 4: Touch & Sound Healing, Self-awareness, Learning to Balance and Understand Energy in Your Chakras, Learning Ancient Healing Techniques from Reiki.

Week 5: Oracle Readings, Understanding Numerology, Mediumship. Overview and Revisiting What You Have Learned.

Week 6: Celebration of Masterclass completion and Certificate Ceremony.

Date & Time: Commencing 26th August 2024 Every Monday night over six weeks 6:00 pm - 8.30pm

Location EVOKE GALLERY 72 Acacia Rd, Kirrawee, NSW

During this 6-week mentorship program, you will discover special techniques to connect with the Divine and access information directly from the universe.

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